Purposeful Muslimah Mastermind Advance Notification List
As salaamu alaikum dear sister,
Congratulations. If you’re here, you’re one of the “Seekers”…
A sister who is striving to live her life consciously and purposefully – and would love to be a part of a like minded community of sisters, who are committed to doing the same.
If so, you’ll LOVE what we have in store for you, Bi’ithnilah.
The Purposeful Muslimah Mastermind is an elite training program and sisterhood, in which purposeful and spiritually centered sisters come together to learn from a cutting edge curriculum, support each other – and get support, and as a group – uplevel in every area of life.
If you tend to be the “odd” one in your circle, and what I’ve described feels like “coming home” – I’d love to have you in our group. Leave your name and email in the form below, and I’ll be in touch soon with more details, InshaAllah.
Signup Here to Be Notified When Enrollment Opens
To living your purpose ON PURPOSE,