{Video} Push Past Resistance to Fill Your Cup First

Today I want to share a quick impromptu video I made yesterday, after getting home from the gym.
If you’ve been in the Woman by Nature community for any length of time, you know I’m a HUGE advocate for self-care. How critical it is that we take the time out to fill our own cups, so that we can serve others from our overflow – not from a dry vessel. However, sometimes – for a number of reasons, the things that would support our self-care and happiness the most, we just don’t feel like doing!
It could be that we don’t have the energy, our emotions are out of whack, it may require some planning or logistics – or we may just be feeling plain old lazy. No judgement – I’ve been there too. And in this video, I share about my personal experience of busting through resistance, and how you can as well to reap the long term benefits of self-care, InshaAllah. I pray it helps you!
I’d love to hear from you!
After watching this episode, comment below and let me know what you’re biggest “aha” moment was, and how YOU can implement these tools and mindset in your own life. I read every comment.
Isn't It Time to Finally Put Yourself First, in Order to Live Your Best Life?
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