Healthy Muslimah Summit Gift
Welcome to Your Personal Sacred Self-Care Assessment!
Sister, it's your time!
Sister, how well do you:
~Take care of yourself?
~Cultivate your spiritual connection?
~Maintain high self-esteem?
~Support your health and well being?
~Connect with people who fill you up?
~Make time for things that are truly important to you?
What’s that you say.. you’re not sure?
Believe me, you’re not alone. Most women can’t remember when they truly stopped to evaluate whether their life and habits were truly serving them.
That stops NOW. Take our short, yet powerful online quiz to assess your life in areas, critical to your self-care and overall ability to thrive.
Be honest in your answers (this is 100% confidential) and open to learning a thing or two about yourself. Your answers may surprise you and will definitely provide a road-map for increased self-awareness going forward, allowing you to better support your physical, emotional and spiritual health.
*You will be redirected to the assessment after entering your details.