{Audio} Episode 004: Give Yourself and Others Permission to Take Off the Cape

As salaamu alaikum sister, and welcome back to Woman by Nature Radio!
As a woman, how often have you pushed through and showed up for others – when you actually felt stressed, depleted, or in need of an emotional and physical time out?
Yep, me too. More times that I can count.
However, in recent years I’ve become SO much better at managing this tendency and have committed to give myself what I need to thrive – even if that means a “time out” to pause, reflect and heal. But as I share in today’s podcast, even someone focused on self-care can slip back into this pattern if you’re not careful.
In this installment, I share the story of a recent event in my life that illustrates this point perfectly. I’ll also share how in the midst of feeling tired, sad, and physically ill – a beautiful sister gave me the greatest gift. The gift of permission.
This episode is PERFECT for you if you identify as being a “doer”, helper or support to those around you. It will resonate if you are juggling a ton of responsibilities and feel afraid of what will happen if you sit down for even a moment. It’s also for you if you’ve been taught that you don’t deserve to pause… and that you owe service to those around you.
I say it’s time to change the status quo!
Listen in below:
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Episode 006: When Seeking Healing & Personal Development, Align Your Soul With the Will of Allah
Discussed in this episode:
– The importance of being tuned into your emotions and body whispers.
Episode 004: Give Yourself and Others Permission to Take Off the Cape
Your Lord Did Not Create You in Vain. Isn't It Time to Finally remove the mask, overcome your trauma & Thrive?
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